Wednesday, June 27, 2018


When you run your car a hundred miles or so you park it and get it cleaned up of all the dust it has accumulated on the road.

At the end of your day's journey your body acquires a lot of dust - memories, incidents - give it a clean up with prayer, love or gratitude and thankfulness. Don't let dust accumulate and spread around. You, as happily the driver of your own car, called the body, must show love to your body by a clean up at least once a day. May be you prefer a week. Be it so - but don't complain if your body becomes prematurely old, creaky or rusty if left unserviced.

"Doctor, will I get addicted to the sleeping tablets you prescribed?"

Insomnia or login to sleep illustration -
"No, you are already addicted, you see, you are addicted to eight hours sleep. If you don't get it you rave and shout as if the heavens have fallen." 

You don't sleep well because you are addicted to the idea that the world is created to revolve around your little finger, and if it doesn't you lie awake ruminating on this, to you, unnatural order of things. Your addiction to drugs is based on your stupid egocentric addictions to expecting the world to rotate at your will.

A little humility and a little gratitude for things that go well may be the best tranquiliser.

Ego's other name is addiction.

They said that a person died of an accident. It is more correct to say that a person lived by accident.

Man thinks that his keeping alive is due to his cleverness and all else is an accident. A few might be impelled to look for certainty beyond the concept of certainty offered by statistical treatment of accident.


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