Monday, June 18, 2018


1. Do not try to give swimming lessons to drowning persons. Jump in and give a hand if you know swimming: Else, call for help, pray pr shut up!
2. The man who likes to constantly pick up thorns in others will succeed in collecting a basketful of thorns by bed-time. He will require increasing doses of soneryl to sleep.
3. This body of yours is developed out of one cell.
All that happens to one part happens to the whole body and its functions.
4. YOU have come along with your body: But, for a mess of pottage, like Esau, you sell yourself and your car at current market price.
Esau and the mess of pottage - Jan Victors, 1653. Oil on canvas
5. For a few seconds a day behave like a twentieth century scientific man, being accurate and detailed with yourself and your body, rather than like a primitive barbarian uttering unfashionable platitudes about things you personally know little about.
6. The whole of medical terminology like the whole of religious and spiritual terminology requires overhauling.
7. The word "Psycho-somatic" is the deadliest and stupidest of the lot, achieving a fission between psyche and soma with more dreadful consequences than that caused by nuclear fission.
8. The see-no-evil, hear-no-evil and speak-no-evil monkeys of the old parable require admission to an institute for the blind, deaf and dumb.
Carving on stable of Tosho-gu Shrine, Japan - MichaelMaggs , Wikimedia Commons
10. Seeing is more important, more fundamental than seeking.

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