Wednesday, April 04, 2018


To behave in a healthy manner is quite different from being in good health Or being free from disease as determined by doctors, thermometers and polygraphs.

Here is a ward for serious patients.

Harsha K R
This person, here, is suffering from chronic headaches, some high blood-pressure, and is under investigation to exclude some as yet undiscovered disease. Here comes his wife to see him. For months she has been looking after her children, doing some part time job, almost unaided, while husband lay in hospital. Listen to the husband talking to her: “Oh, at last you have found time to come and see me. I am dying of pain. This is the fate of a sick person. Why did you not come yesterday. You have got a nice sari on. Is it because I am dying?”

Look at the face of the woman as she comes out. Here comes the doctor. “So you have come, doctor! My God! What doctors, what hospitals! I was dying of pain, whole of last night, and no nurse or ward boy, anywhere.”

This is a badly trained man, very sick, indeed. He has not one good word to say to anybody, or anything, least of all himself or his body.

Here is the other patient. He has terminal cancer, and intractable pain. His wife comes to see him. “Oh, what trouble you have taken to come all the way. I am not too bad. They gave me something, and I slept a little better. Did you have anything to eat. I have pain, but there it is. I feel idle. My hands are alright. There is anything I can do for you or for the children while I lie down, you can try me. Come, there! Let me see you smile!”

Look at the face of the woman coming out.

Here comes the doctor. “How are you, doctor. Nice to see you. How is your wife. You were telling me she was having fever. Oh, my pain, Doctor. It wants to stay on, but I am a bit better. I am being a big nuisance, but, sorry to say that I might be quite some time in this world, and I don't mind the pain!”

This man is utterly, humanely healthy. He is using his body to express the humanity for which it took a human shape. He is so kind to others, and therefore, kind to himself and his body, and no doubt his body will serve him to its best.

The first man is a vampire - sucking energy from everybody and everything including his own body.

The second man is a God, giving energy and happiness to others and therefore, to his own body.

If you say a man is healthy, it is necessary to ask, WHAT FOR?”

What sort of a man are you, and what you intend to be? This determines what use you put your body to.

Health is not vitamins + proteins. It is the manner you use your body and the purpose you use it for. It is not a mystic definition. This is what you are doing all the time - but the trick you have learnt, and have been assiduously taught is to make the body the scapegoat for your stupid inconsiderate behaviour to others with quickly precipitates into your body. You ask your body to do impossible things, like changing what happened yesterday, asking it to change the course of stars and so on.

You must first be a man owning responsibility for the basic instrument of your personality. If this is forgotten you will have the health of the educated gorilla or earthworm displaying the behaviour of the largest number of other biological specimens walking on the road on their two legs.

The minute you say - this is my body: This is what I came to express on earth. That minute your journey on the road of human health begins, leading you to the gates of what is behind that beyond the mere man.

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