Monday, July 11, 2016

The Secret Agent - SECTION – II Pages 114-116

 Concept of the Battle and Soldier
Essential – Nothing of what is written will be valuable, otherwise.

This ‘I’ is subject to philosophical discussion in the native.
It is inherent – is it imported – is it a mixture and so on.
The guides’ words are interpreted and reinterpreted
The point the agent should remember is this.
(1)  The word I is used by him.
(2)  Its origin and end are of no consequence.
(3) This ‘I’ takes the responsibility for what it thinks, says and does.
(4) This ‘I’ undertakes to obey the guide and it should obey and experience the obedience and its results.  No amount of verbal discussion will help.
On Speaking Truth
Dynamics of truth – car and false speedometer

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