Friday, May 13, 2016

The Secret Agent - SECTION – II Contd

Detailed methods have been given by the guides:

1.  Emotional and Local    Role of Reward and Punishment
2.  Cognitive                   Conditioning Processes
Memory and its Role        Law of mass action (psychic cause)        
Communication:              Factors + and - Feedback
Sensory Inputs                Motor skills
Role of Aspiration
Concept of Illness             Isolation of Defect
                                       Employment of +ve
The body as instrument or estate – Satipattana
Healing Processes
Concept of energy, information and field of action
Concept of protection
Exercise of compassion
Dealing with thoughts as communication
Sensitivity to vibrations
A Person is a field of force


The properties of the First Base that the agent may find useful in transformation work and in what way the agent and native differ in their use of these properties and the effect of such use, on the physical base.

1.   Memory:              Its role in behaviour
                              Maintenance of the past (Stereotypy)
2.    (a) Concentration          -           - ve     Constrictive 
                                                      + ve    Inclus
       (b)  Meditation – Workshop   Japa – Technique and Objective – Mahabhawa
                                A short note on the previous occupants of the territory
3.   Aspiration                       -           The territory
4.   `I’ Function
5.    Perception
6.    Sensory Discrimination
7.    Motor Skills
8.    Emotions – Negative and Positive
9.    Role of Rewards and Punishment in Learning
10.  Learning – Cognitive, Social or emotional
11.  Concept of Feedbacks
12.  Concept of Evolution
13.  Concept of Universe as a Communication System – Sound Speech and Its          Limitations
14.  Information
15.  Coding
16.  Energies and Personality
17.  Discussion of Cues for Action
18.  Levels of Communication and Action
19.  Power and Potentiation
20.  Protection
21.  Concept of Territory
22.  Time and Space – Here and Now
23.  Transmission
24.  Change – Self Change
25.  ENERGY– KNOWLEDGE – POWER sat-chit-ananda.
26. Compassion
27. Oneness
28.  The Summary
            The Task
            The Methods
            The All …………….
            The …………..

                        It is the material of yesterday (past) becomes the basis for today and tomorrow.

                        The native uses memory function to perpetuate his race and rule, the central feature being a separate personal empire – of exploitation and mastery of the world – hence a perpetual fear of being overthrown – a perpetual hunt for possible and imagined dangers to his dominance, a perpetual incapacity to imagine anything wider, bigger or better than his limited view of life which he imposes on the body.

                        The physical memory is a faithful, unselected record of all that happens in a day.

                        Out of this constant storehouse, the native selects the material that represents his miserable little concerns.

                        He remembers injuries, insults and misfortunes and stores such memories.  If anyone has done good to him for a hundred days, but one day that person offends him, the native forgets all the good and remembers the offence and nurtures it, talk about it.  His so-called art and literature, drama and cinema are filled with this miserable story of his misfortunes and the sense of martyrdom with which he meets them, forgetting that he himself is the author of his memory.  He insists into his innocent body this highly selected pattern of the memory of his life and attributes the things that follow to a cruel fate.  He writes his drama and acts it – this day after day, generation after generation he lives confirming his own predictions after himself:  what is man, born today, got tomorrow, old age retirement, disease, then death, strife, treachery, frustration, cruelty and what not.

                        The agent knows that today’s memory is the manure for tomorrow’s life.  So like a good gardener, from the unselected mass of fallen leaves and stones and dirt and flowers that occur during the day, he systematically chooses the good and fragrant and nourishing portions.  His tomorrow’s garden is full of better and better roses.  The native shoots thorns, anticipates thorns and grows thorns.

                        The agent sifts his memories of the day and actively remembers and stores the good, good things done and said, goodness and sweetness wherever he finds it. 

                        Under the native and his kind of memory training, the body suffers hell – it is agitated, frightened, restless and sleepless and always on defensive expecting dangers from every side.

                        Under the agents attitude to memory the body becomes restful, trusting and optimistic.  The fly and bee are free to roam over the same area.  One collects dirt, the other honey. 

                        Since the memory is the basis for most action and speech, the native’s talk tends to be about wrongs done to him and criticism of others causing further friction, whereas the agents talk is of the good that he sees or hears and silent goodwill when there is nothing positive to say or do.  The agent unlike the native does not just remember things that only concern him, but can and does take note of all good in the world of men, trees, birds and earth and skies.  Thus he can always find something good.  Good memory is the basis of good health.

                        The agent is alert to this important function and he will systematically and consciously trains his memory; understanding its role in management of the body.  Under the native’s care, the body always anticipates illness and death.  Under the agents’ care it has stronger and stronger anticipation of a large and wider and endless joyous being and growing.  The body is like a good horse anticipates and aspires to obey the master and as the agents’ race is gaining greater and greater control, the body too responds by greater plasticity and durability.

                        Remember that today’s memory is tomorrow’s happenings.  Cultivate your memory as carefully as a gardener his garden.  Do not imitate the natives.  

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