Disuse of parts and functions of your body is the root of disorder and the parent of aging. Find use for your body and its brain, and do not be content to let them lie idle, doing the minimum required to maintain yourself as a respectable, average specimen of humanity, predetermined to retire at fifty and die shortly thereafter.
If Japa is good, the Bhavajapa is the best. When you utter a mantram and call on a God-head, you are supposed to, but you often forget to let your body express the corresponding emotion of joy, etc., in your eagerness to complete the set number of utterances. It is more direct to remember to express the joy or peace denoted by the Mantra as often as one can.
A Japa mala - GourangaUK, CC BY-SA 2.5 |
Bhavasamhita, Trivandrum - Harikrishnanuk, Wikimedia Commons |