Wednesday, June 01, 2016

The Secret Agent - SECTION – II Pages 45-47

Reward and punishment as motives for action is not a neutral, unalterable law but the law of being of the Native imposed on its territory and the whole world groans in agony under this tyranny.

The Agent unlike the Native will gently instil into the body the example and influence of those who have worked excellently and joyously without any hope of reward or fear of punishment.  He will refuse to let the body be fed on the propaganda that personal desire is necessary for work or Service or Knowledge.

Reward and punishment as motives for action is not a neutral, unalterable law but the law of being of the Native imposed on its territory and the whole world groans in agony under this tyranny.

The Agent unlike the Native will gently instil into the body the example and influence of those who have worked excellently and joyously without any hope of reward or fear of punishment.  He will refuse to let the body be fed on the propaganda that personal desire is necessary for work or Service or Knowledge.

page 46 Communication and Energies
1.  The universe is one vast network of intercommunication.
2.  A communication is an exchange of energies sometimes resulting in the     
    transformation of one level of energy into another.
3.  A communication is an action of one kind or another.
4. Some list of energies:
1.  Mechanical
2.  Thermal
3.  Sound Magnetic Five Elements
4.  Electrical
5.  Light prakriti
6. Mind
7. Buddhi
8.  Self ‘I’- I
Transcendental levels – Purnaprakriti
5.  All energies derive from the same source and are transferable from one form into another.
Mechanical friction can cause heat
Heat expands bodies
Magnetism, electricity, light, heat, mechanical energy all can be interchanged.

6.  Out of this vast system of intercommunication possibilities each energy has s field of force around it. The subtler the … The Native puts most emphasis on speech as most important.  The native knows that speech is but one small fraction of sound waves and that fraction further limited by language and difference in language. He also knows that with speech he understand or misunderstand to equal degrees.  He also knows that when he is sending a telegram he is using more than one level of energy (mechanical, key and electrical impulses) to transmit the messages.  He knows that various levels of communication or impulses impinge on him and make him …….
and that sometimes most important of his decisions are not always made by verbal communication.
But the Native uses speech as if it is the most important method of communication and teaches the body to glorify speech and ignore the vaster networks of communication it is capable of.

The agent liberates the body from the Native who limits the body to this form of communication – words – which is a very restricted form.

The agent firmly makes the body to experience the power and effect of the communication range possible to the silently concentrated mind.  In the Native’s control the Body exhausts much of its waking energy in futile talk.  Even in rest or sleep a continuous conversation goes on in the head, as clamorous as the market place.  This is the single, biggest obstacle to real progress and the agent should make the body realise that speech is the Native’s weapon in creating confusion.

The instructions given by guide with regard to speech are to be implemented, restricting speech to what is necessary and true for the work of transformation.  He should guard against the trick of the enemy to obstruct all fresh experience by the need to understand – to understanding in words.  The agent makes the body realise that experiencing oneness and joy and love is the key to all knowledge and that understanding in words is not the most important or effective or powerful.

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